20-thousand Cross Procession to Pochaev Lavra: aerial video shooting

On August 25 a multi-thousand Cross Procession, dedicated to the feast of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin, which started off in Kamenets-Podolsky on August19, entered the territory of the Holy Assumption Pochaev Lavra. A video footage about this event was posted on the Lavra’s video-channel.

On August 25 a multi-thousand Cross Procession, dedicated to the feast of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin, which started off in Kamenets-Podolsky on August 19, entered the territory of the Holy Assumption Pochaev Lavra. A video footage about this event was posted on the Lavra’s video-channel.

According to the participants of the last year's procession, in 2017 the number of worshipers has increased significantly. Among the walking pilgrims – youth, children, the elderly. Most of them go to Pochaev not the first time – by entire families and parishes.

Believers from different parts of Ukraine took part in the Cross Procession. Large groups came from Bukovina, Transcarpathia, Odessa, Dnieper, Rovno, as well as from abroad – Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Russia.

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