Wounded in the Head: another Lie of the Kiev Patriarchate Priests Exposed
On August 26, on his Facebook page, a certain Pavel Podobed posted "breaking news" about "a sexton of the UOC", who allegedly committed an assault on a priest of the Kiev Patriarchate. This "sensation" was picked up by several sites, using almost the same text and photos: "In Korsun, Cherkassy region, a sexton of the local church belonging to the UOC - MP, Mikhail Lysenko, attacked with a knife Rostislav Bylo, a priest of the UOC-KP." The latter said that wounds on his head, supposedly made with a knife, constitute "evidence" of the assault of the sexton.
Such sites like apostrophe.com.u
In order to refute the obvious lie, it was enough for the journalists to communicate with an allegedly "attacking" parishioner of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, who was not even a church minister, and verify the information on the nature of the injure got by the KP priest, Rostislav Bylo.
And here a true sensation immerged. As it was investigated by Anatoly Shariy, the priest of the KP was not a victim, but an initiator of a drunken brawl, during which he, being intoxicated, together with his co-believers on the patriarchate, attacked the parishioner of the UOC. The latter decided not to inflate the scandal and slander on Facebook.
But the cleric of the KP apparently decided to use his "wounds", received apparently from falling on broken glass, as evidence of an attack of a local parishioner of the church, presented to the media as a priest of the UOC. So, on a drunken head, such "sensations" are born, fanning aggression against the confession unwanted by the Kyiv Patriarchate.
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