Total freedom (from conscience)

False accusations against the Ukrainian Union of Orthodox Journalists of playing up to Russian propaganda are becoming more and more frequent in the Ukrainian media. No wonder, after all, if our "honest", but rather "private" propaganda mass media assign the entire Orthodox Church to Moscow Patriarchate, it is clear that they will see underhand plotting in everything that does not fit into their "objectivity."

The other day, Orthodox journalists have released a new documentary. After seeing it, you will be able to make your own judgment about the authorities’ biased way of protecting (or clearing out?) the rights of religious communities in Ukraine, following their statute and making it mandatory for others.

The film features in detail a raider seizure of an Orthodox church. It becomes clear why those who call this process "the transition of the faithful from the Russian Church into Ukrainian one," so fiercely want to denigrate the authors of true stories: this is entirely inconvenient truth for the dominant state propaganda.

Hypocritical can only be described the appeals of the authorities and dependent information sources to consider students who came out on Maidan demanding immediate European integration and visa-free regime "kibalchishes" (good guys) and seminarians, who did not lose heart to stand up for their faith, - "bad guys" .

The seminarians’ fault is evident and lies in the fact that they are opposed to hypocritical power, which is trying at all costs to suppress any dissent. The regime, under which the chief official for religion is favored by one of the smallest denominations, while the freedom of belief of the largest denomination is under threat. The regime, which decides and will decide all disputable issues in favor of the side which serves it without a murmur.

We will not go into details for what achievements Mr. Yurosh has been granted three high awards from the self-proclaimed Kiev Patriarch. Perhaps for the same thing as the accused today of embezzlement and abuse Korban, or failed to meet any of his pre-election promises Mr. Poroshenko. When the country is ruled by hypocrisy, deceiving its own people, it is forced to rely exclusively on the similar hypocrites and double-faced men who conceal their division and inevitable failure under a perforated veil of the national idea.

They will falsely accuse everybody who objects to them. They will mar and defame all who struggle for justice and truth. But, according to St. John Chrysostom, "better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than tell a lie, which soothes, and then kills."

Pavel Karnazytsky, journalist

Pročitajte takođe

Плејоф на једном школском игралишту

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