Photo exhibition about newest history of UOC opened in Kiev Lavra (PHOTOS)
After the Divine Liturgy and solemn thanksgiving service, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine opened a photo exhibition about the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for a quarter of a century after the Kharkov Council of Bishops in the Refectory Chamber of the Sts. Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves Church of the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
As the organizer of the exhibition, hegumeness Serafima (Shevchik), the head of the "Church and Culture" department of the UOC said the pictures are thematically divided and reflect all aspects of the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The themes include "Church and People are One", "Church and Youth", "Church and Children", "Three Lavras", which are the three pillars of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, "Diocesan Life", "Primate on the Holy Mount Athos" and others. The final part of the exposition is miraculous icons of Theotokos in Ukraine, which are united under the common name "Protection of the Mother of God over Ukraine".
"Protection of the Mother of God over Ukraine" is the theme, which finalizws the exhibition. It shows that no cataclysms, no attempts can move this cornerstone, the Church, which the Lord Himself placed. And the name of the exhibition is symbolic – "The Pillar and Ground of Truth" – words from the deed of the holy apostles, which were read today for the Divine Liturgy," she said. She also expressed gratitude to the Information and Education Department of the UOC and the authors whose works are on display.
The opening was attended by numerous archpastors of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, clergymen and representatives of the media. His Beatitude congratulated those present on the anniversary of the Kharkov Bishops' Council and said, "We are glad that today we can look shamelessly at our past and rejoice that God gives us mercy and blessing."
The photo exhibition is open daily in the Refectory Church of Sts. Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
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