Bills № 4511 and № 4128 are aimed at destroying the prayerful life of our Mother Church, – Bishop Alexis of Voznesensk

By their actions, some "servants of people" are trying to plunge not only our Church but our Motherland – Ukraine into the abyss of inter-faith war. This was said by Bishop Alexis of Voznesensk and Pervomaisk in his Address regarding an attempt to adopt anti-church laws, reports the website of the diocese.

"Our Mother Church is in danger! Once again, the enemy of the human race, through his accomplices, is trying hard to destroy Her soul-saving work!

Today, the servants of the devil, shouting about decommunisation, went further than their teachers – "neodemocrats." Using their methods of pressure on the Church, they propose to adopt new bills aimed at destroying the prayerful life of our Mother Church, the long-established church-administrative system.

Our Mother Church is the God-human organism, headed by Christ Himself, we have a great power through prayer to turn to God Himself.

In this regard, starting from May 14 to May 18 inclusive, I ask and bless you:

1) to fast and entrust yourself with a prayer feat, as reading by agreement a prayer rule;

2) Fathers-deans and rectors to organize collection of signatures of parishioners under the Bishops' appeal; to send the lists in the shortest possible time to the reception offices of people's deputies of Ukraine, on whose districts your parishes are located.

My dear flock, brothers and sisters! I ask you not to lose heart, for Christ said to us: "Fear not, little flock, I'm with you until the end of time." We are not two or three, we are thousands – we will testify of our Orthodox Faith! I believe that the Queen of Heaven, covering our land with Her Omophor, all the saints, who are before the throne of the Lord, – will never leave us!" says the Address.

As the UOJ reported, bills № 4128 and № 4511 can become not only a new excuse for accusations of violations of religious rights by Ukraine, but also a "trigger" for irreversible decisions that can destroy the statehood of Ukraine as such.

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