Filaret leads his church along the road to nowhere, – UAOC priest

Administration methods of the UOC-KP chief Patriarch Filaret are “bolshevist, authoritarian”, told senior priest of St. Nickolay Naberezhnyi UAOC church protopriest Stephan (Yaremchuk) to News of Ukraine.
“At present the forcefulness of Filaret in the church ambience of Ukraine arises from his being surrounded by politicians and civil servants. Yet the road along which Filaret leads his church is a bridge to nowhere,” believes the priest.
“UOC KP remains unrecognized, it is allowed to hold worships with neither of the other churches,” underlined the priest. He reported that Patriarch Filaret is also.He explained that Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew does not recognize canonicity of the UOC KP and Patriarch Filaret either, the latter being anathematized at the beginning of the 1990s. “According to ecclesiastic canons, only the Russian Orthodox Church can remove this anathema”, says father Stephan.

Administration methods of the UOC-KP chief Patriarch Filaret are “bolshevist, authoritarian”, told senior priest of St. Nickolay Naberezhnyi UAOC church protopriest Stephan (Yaremchuk) to News of Ukraine.

“At present the forcefulness of Filaret in the church ambience of Ukraine arises from his being surrounded by politicians and civil servants. Yet the road along which Filaret leads his church is a bridge to nowhere,” believes the priest.

“UOC KP remains unrecognized, it is allowed to hold worships with neither of the other churches,” underlined the priest. He reported that Patriarch Filaret is also.He explained that Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew does not recognize canonicity of the UOC KP and Patriarch Filaret either, the latter being anathematized at the beginning of the 1990s. “According to ecclesiastic canons, only the Russian Orthodox Church can remove this anathema”, says father Stephan.

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