Dark Patriarch. Truth about Filaret

The film features a life path of the “patriarch” of the biggest schism ever in the Ukrainian Orthodoxy, from his being “a Ukrainian-phobic clergyman, loyal to the Soviet power, and opponent of the church autocephaly to splitting the Church and becoming a radical nationalist”.

“Behind the curtains of his words about patriotism Filaret skillfully diverts attention from the fact he was long ago thrown out of the Church and currently ranks as a secular man – Mikhail Denisenko. His “Kiev Patriarchate”, respectively, is a non-canonical structure which is recognized by none of the Domestic Orthodox Churches, which is devoid of God’s grace leading to salvation”, as the film annotation states.

The film authors wonder how a person, who was involved in a number of improper deeds, managed to produce impact on such a considerable amount of Ukrainian believers and regular citizens.

The film features a life path of the “patriarch” of the biggest schism ever in the Ukrainian Orthodoxy, from his being “a Ukrainian-phobic clergyman, loyal to the Soviet power, and opponent of the church autocephaly to splitting the Church and becoming a radical nationalist”.

“Behind the curtains of his words about patriotism Filaret skillfully diverts attention from the fact he was long ago thrown out of the Church and currently ranks as a secular man – Mikhail Denisenko. His “Kiev Patriarchate”, respectively, is a non-canonical structure which is recognized by none of the Domestic Orthodox Churches, which is devoid of God’s grace leading to salvation”, as the film annotation states.

The film authors wonder how a person, who was involved in a number of improper deeds, managed to produce impact on such a considerable amount of Ukrainian believers and regular citizens.

Pročitajte takođe

Плејоф на једном школском игралишту

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