Don’t Lie – to People and to Yourself!

The information blockade and constant escalation of anti-church hysteria in the media mask, in fact, quite an interesting picture: it can be compared with the way a dam built in a rough-and-ready manner is constantly eroding the basin land. What causes such a dreadful situation is unclear: either inefficiency of pseudo-engineers or a bad bargain with the material, the elements hasn’t been conquered and it still hits back – or a combination of all the factors.

The truth always, makes its way sooner or later. All that church reformers are pulling over on people cannot stand the test of time. While the newly formed units of church “patriots” are subjected to legal proceedings against the Orthodox communities, people silently "vote with their feet", shaking off anti-church psychosis and regaining common sense. After all, no matter how many lies your ears hear, your eyes see something that can’t be masked under a well -organized PR campaign or false slogans.

People are tired of judicial red tape and lie. Moreover, churches seized during the persecution of priests and believers, are difficult to maintain and look after. Noisy Filaret adherents, who before the attack on the UOC community never went church, continue to live as they used to. Neither the administrative resources nor encouragement from influential players keep people forever. Let’s see how it looks on the example of individual parishes?

Trying to imitate their dubious social significance, religious groups, aimed at anything but not pastorship, forget about the main thing. The point's not even in the commandment, which forbids lying. The point is in the lost common sense, which shows every time that the man always lies, above all, to himself. Finally, nobody cares that "the king is naked". This creates an awkward situation, especially for the "king" himself – figuratively because there is no king without a kingdom, but “kingdom" in this case is people: parishioners who develop and improve church life. Without them, the administrative resource with metropolitan media stars, as well as the patriotic church with pompous names and dioceses on paper will break under the first gust of wind, like a house of cards.

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