American media outlet publishes article about govt's persecution of UOC

An article in an American resource about the UOC. Photo: a screenshot

The American Conservative published an article titled "Ukraine’s Two Wars" by independent journalist Flavius Mihaies, discussing the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the Ukrainian authorities.

The journalist notes that the "second war" mentioned in the article's title is being waged within Ukraine's religious communities. He explains that after President Zelensky made it clear that the UOC cannot be a spiritual home for a Ukrainian patriot, it sparked an investigation during which Mihaies conducted in-depth interviews with religious leaders, civil activists, government officials, parliamentarians, journalists, soldiers, and ordinary Ukrainian believers.

In his article, Flavius Mihaies details alarming incidents of church seizures in Korytne, Miliieve, Zadubrivka, Malyi Kuchuriv, Tovtry, Hvardiiske, Raikivtsi and other villages where OCU supporters, local authorities and police forcibly expelled UOC parishioners from their churches, injured believers and forced communities left without churches to pray in tents and private homes, while the seized temples often remained empty.

The journalist also wrote about the flawed judicial system regarding religious organisations and issues with central government authorities, who have a biased attitude towards the UOC.

He documented cases of forced mobilization of believers during services in churches, hostile media rhetoric and concerns raised by the UN on this matter.

At the same time, Flavius Mihaies highlighted the patriotic spirit of UOC parishioners, who provide the front with all necessary supplies and have been awarded by soldiers for their support and aid.

As reported by the UOJ, earlier, Polish media also covered the persecution of the UOC in Ukraine.

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