Net comments on OCU service at Lavra's Trinity Church: "Museum performance"

Avraamiy Lotysh. Photo: National Reserve

On 24 June 2024, the "Kyiv Pechersk Lavra" National Reserve announced a "historic event": the OCU held its first liturgy at the Trinity Church of the monastery. Avraamiy Lotysh, who led the service, stated that his action helps "liberate the shrine from Moscow's chains". However, the reaction in the network to this "historic" event was different.

The "acting head of the Lavra" was called a "Judas" and museum staff were explained that "liturgy" in Greek means the common work of clergy and believers.

"And here it turns out to be just a museum performance?" commented Archbishop Jonah (Cherepanov) of the OCU, reacting to the absence of believers at the service.

The empty church in the preserve was justified by restoration work.

"Due to the ongoing restoration of the church, the liturgy at the Trinity Church took place only with the participation of Bishop Avraamiy and the Lavra brethren – without public access," the statement said.

Information about the presence of the Lavra brethren also puzzled readers of the National Reserve: "Any brethren in the museum Lavra besides Avraamiy? News!"

As reported by the UOJ, the police launched an investigation into the fact of possible incitement of hatred by Lotysh.

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