Phanar’s decisions: a view from Greece
Patriarch Bartholomew and Patriarch Kirill
On the one hand, there are 150 million believers, on the other hand – one old institution that has long no longer been the beacon of universal Orthodoxy and is trying with all its might to demonstrate its loyalty to the United States to maintain its existence.
So who is isolated then?
On the one hand, there is the Church which builds 3-5 new churches daily, has filled Europe, Asia, and Latin America with Russian-style churches. On the other hand – the one that for so many years has even failed to open the Theological School of Halki.
So who is isolated then?
On the one hand, there is a strong, from the point of view of diplomacy, Church, whose opinion is respected by the world Christian and interreligious community, although it does not have the lead among the Orthodox. On the other hand – the withering Church, which tries to impose its opinion on everyone by the “decide-and-order” logic.
So who is isolated then?
On the one hand, there is the Church, behind which stands a strong state. On the other hand – the Church, whose see is located in a Muslim country, becomes a laughing stock when it officially declares that everything is fine with the protection of the rights of religious minorities in Turkey and is looking forward to injections from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean in order to get a breath of air.
So who is isolated then?
On the one hand, there is the Church which has given great material and diplomatic support to the Greeks, provided humanitarian aid in Syria and facilitated the liberation of the Archbishop of Ohrid. On the other hand – the Church which spoiled relations for various reasons with half the Orthodox world (Athens, Antioch, Sofia, the American Church, etc.).
So who is isolated then?
On the one hand, there is the Church respected at the world level, on the other hand – the one sued even by the Turkish Orthodox Church as if it violates Turkish law.
So who is isolated then?
And these are just some of the facts that we should know when the Phanariots “cloud the eyes” and drive us mad with their statements and publications that Moscow has chosen self-isolation!
Moscow, of course, is far from the innocent side of the current crisis, but it’s too much to present black as white and white as black to us, as the Phanar’s adherents do.
Their strange allegations cause only bewilderment ...
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