Zaporozhye Society of Veterans demands to stop the activity of UOC in the country

At a press conference in Ukrinform, Chairman of NGO "Society of ATO veterans of Zaporozhye" Oleg Kolomoyets read out the appeal of his organization to the authorities and people of Ukraine with a demand to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

In the appeal Kolomoyets first urged the highest bodies of state power to cease activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the territory of Ukraine, because it "is subordinate to the Moscow Patriarchate, is extremist in nature and carries out activities aimed at undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine". Secondly, Mr. Kolomoyets demanded that "when transferring state property, priority should be given to the churches of the Kyiv Patriarchate".

Also, the chairman of the NGO "Society of ATO Veterans of Zaporozhye" demanded that local authorities exclude representatives of the UOC from participation in the events and do not give them permission to conduct their mass events.

Law enforcement agencies are required "to investigate the facts of the activities of criminal groups that operate under the patronage of the Moscow Patriarchate".

At the same time, Kolomoyets addressed the people of Ukraine, urging them "to cease supporting the UOC in everyday life and perform spiritual practices in the churches of the Kyiv Patriarchate". In addition, the people of Ukraine are called to force the priests to fall into schism. In turn, the clergy were requested to "unite in a single Orthodox Local Church".

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