Metropolitan of Czech Lands Rastislav urges Poroshenko and Parubiy not to support schism

The adoption of anti-religious laws will undermine the fundamentals of religious freedom and equality of Churches and religious organizations in Ukraine and will cause a new upsurge of tension and destabilization in the Ukrainian society, says the Address of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Rastislav of Czech Lands and Slovakia to the President of Ukraine and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, writes the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

“The Orthodox Church of Czech Lands and Slovakia is one of the members in a family of Local Orthodox Autocephalous Churches, leading spiritually Orthodox believers across the Czech Lands and Slovakia. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the only canonical Orthodox Church on the territory of Ukraine. Our Local Churches are not linked geographically, but linked by deep historic ties.

We take very close to our hearts all goings-on with our brotherly nation of Ukraine and worried about the future of Holy Orthodoxy and the canonical Church. We are deeply concerned about the intention of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to put on its session’s agenda bill No. 4128 and thereon introduce amendments to the law “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations”, and bill No. 4511 “On special status of religious organizations which administrative centers are located in a country recognized by the Verkhovna Rada as an aggressor state.”

We consider the adoption of the above draft laws is sure to undermine the fundamentals of religious freedom and equality of Churches and religious organizations in Ukraine and cause a new upsurge of tension and destabilization in the Ukrainian society. We are confident and we believe that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church led by His Beatitude Onuphry, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, shows a patriotic position as a mother who loves her children, trying to help the people distract their country from the civil conflict and establish peace.

Your Worship, praying to God we demand that these draft laws be withdrawn, otherwise their adoption will be detrimental to the whole Ukrainian nation,” wrote Metropolitan Rastislav.

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Митрополити Амвросије и Зиновије РПЦ посетили подгоричики Саборни храм

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Млади верници СПЦ у посети светињама Румуније

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