“Servant of the People” MP: UOC communities ban is legally void
The head of the Kyiv regional organization of the 'Servant of the People' party, deputy head of the 'Servant of the People' faction in the VR Andrey Motovilovets in his address to the believers of the Boryspil Eparchy said that the bans and restrictions imposed on the activities and communities of the UOC by the local authorities are legally void and contrary to the constitutional provisions of Ukraine. The text of the address was published on the website of the eparchy.
Motovilovets stressed that Article 35 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which guarantees citizens the right to freedom of thought and religion, is not included in the list of constitutional rights and freedoms, the restriction of which is allowed by the presidential decree on the introduction of martial law in Ukraine.
"No law or legal act of Ukraine gives local authorities the right to prohibit or interfere in the activities of religious organisations, even during martial law. And the demand of local government officials constitutes interference in the internal affairs of the religious community. This contradicts both the European Convention on Human Rights and the Constitution of Ukraine because 'the Church and religious organizations in Ukraine are separated from the state' (Article 35 of the Constitution of Ukraine)," the politician reminded.
"The decision of the local government on the prohibition of the activity of religious communities of the UOC has no legal force, moreover, it can be considered contradictory to the Constitution of Ukraine and hinders the realization of the legal rights and interests of the citizens of our state," the head of the Kyiv regional branch of the "Servant of People" party resumed his answer to the decision of the Boryspil City Council to suspend the activity of the UOC.
As reported, Metropolitan Anthony, the UOC Chancellor, appealed to President Zelensky, EU ambassadors and representatives of the Local Churches regarding pressure on the UOC in the Boryspil Eparchy and in Ukraine in general.
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