Korchynsky: We need activists to take property from UOC

Dmytro Korchynsky. Photo: Correspondent

Former leader of UNA-UNSO and head of the party “Brotherhood” Dmytro Korchynsky gave an interview to the Telegraph, in which he called for active actions from the public, believing that the law adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on the UOC ban will not solve the problem completely.

“The law will not change anything significantly. Here not even the SBU and law enforcement agencies but the public should work. We are often involved in the transfer of churches to the OCU, so there are methods. These processes work if there is a sufficient number of active public,” the radical said.

One of the key aspects of his strategy is the need to take away from the UOC the land that was given to it for free use: “It is much more effective to deal with the land. The UOC FSB has been given a huge amount of land plots for gratuitous use. This is all done predominantly by local authorities, and we just need to take it all away from them. Local communities have the right to take their land.” Korchinsky insists that the process of land seizure has not yet begun, and it is up to the public to put pressure on local authorities to start it.

When asked if this would lead to the creation of a “catacomb church”, Korchynsky was sceptical that most of the UOC clergy are only interested in money.

Korchynsky emphasised that activists have already managed to take away a significant amount of property from the UOC recently and believes that this process can be continued: “Recently we have taken away quite a lot of property from them. If it can be done in many places, then it can be done everywhere. Here you just need inspiration and not all 100% Ukrainians. It is enough to gather hundreds of people to take away everything one by one.”

As reported by the UOJ, earlier Dmytro Korchynsky said that Ukrainian children should grow up to the sound of sirens and in hatred of the enemy, and also believes it is necessary to “make all citizens inside the country love Ukraine”.

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