Court keeps UOJ journalist in custody, rejecting appeal

Valeriy Stupnitsky in court. Photo: UOJ

On August 28, 2024, the Kyiv Court of Appeal rejected the appeal filed by lawyer Roman Gontarev against the decision of the Solomensky District Court of Kyiv to extend the detention of Valeriy Stupnitsky, a journalist with the "Union of Orthodox Journalists" (UOJ). The defense had requested that the detention be replaced with house arrest or the option to post bail, but the judges declined the request.

Lawyer Gontarev criticized the court for bias and support of the prosecution. He highlighted the lack of evidence linking Stupnitsky to Russia. Gontarev also pointed out that Prosecutor Ivan Dziuba reiterated previously stated arguments, including claims that the website did not contain information about voluntary transitions to the OCU and that Stupnitsky had blocked the publication of an article about aid to victims following the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant.

“These arguments were used to substantiate the suspicion of justifying aggression and treason. He didn't even bother to check the website to see if there was information about voluntary transitions,” said the lawyer.

Gontarev underscored that the website indeed contains information about voluntary transitions, and the article about aid to the victims had also been published. He expressed frustration with Prosecutor Dziuba's performance:

“The person just came, mumbled something, the judges listened and decided that he was right. It seems that the prosecutor’s job is just to speak, no matter what. Say something, and you will surely be supported,” Gontarev fumed.

He added that the judges did not allow either the lawyer or Stupnitsky to respond to these claims, which indicates bias in the judicial process.

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As reported by the UOJ, Orthodox journalists' lawyers have accused the investigator of manipulation.

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