Rivne Regional Council demands that UOC comply with Law 8371 requirements
Chairman of the Rivne Regional Council Andriy Karaush. Photo: t.me/andriykaraush
Chairman of the Rivne Regional Council Andriy Karaush convenes an extraordinary session at 10:00 on Monday, 26 August. “Only one question will be considered – ‘On the appeal of the Rivne Regional Council on the implementation of the norms of the legislation on the protection of the constitutional order in the sphere of religious organizations and strengthening the spiritual independence of Ukraine’,” wrote Karaush on his Telegram channel.
According to him, the appeal to the believers of the UOC will be voluminous, and it will be voiced at the session.
The head of the regional Council publishes the last paragraph:
“We urge to strictly implement the Law of Ukraine ‘On Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Sphere of Religious Organizations’ signed by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky: go to your temple, confess the holy Orthodoxy! But gather your will, take responsibility for yourself, organize a parish meeting, get out of the Moscow schism, wash off the stigma of moscow's slaves and silent accomplices of its crimes! For he who wants – seeks opportunity! And he who does not want – looks for reasons!”.
As reported by the UOJ, an unidentified person blew up a prayer house of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with a grenade in Strilsk, Rivne Region.
Pročitajte takođe
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