Pochaiv Lavra refutes another fake about results of MinCulture's inspection
Ancient doors in the Trinity Cathedral of the Pochaiv Lavra. Photo: the Pochaiv Lavra
The press secretary of the Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra, Archimandrite Gabriel, published another refutation of false information regarding the results of the Ministry of Culture's inspection on the monastery's Telegram channel. According to him, media reports about the supposed "disappearance" of the doors in the Trinity Cathedral of the Pochaiv Lavra are not true.
"Various media outlets have reported that numerous violations were allegedly discovered as a result of the inspection. In particular, it has been reported that the monks illegally replaced the doorway on the western side of the Trinity Cathedral. We inform the public that the original door of the Trinity Cathedral had been functioning properly for over 100 years (three times longer than its maximum expected lifespan). As part of urgent emergency measures, the doors were removed and are currently stored in a dry and secure place (for their preservation)," the statement reads.
It is noted that a temporary new door, which resembles the original door in appearance, was installed in its place. The original door will be returned to its historical location after restoration.
"We request that media outlets refrain from publishing unverified and inaccurate information," the monastery urged.
As reported by the UOJ, the Pochaiv Lavra stated that the media are spreading lies about the results of the Ministry of Culture's inspection.
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