Primate leads festivities on 30th anniversary of St. Olga Cathedral in Kyiv
Photo: Primate of the UOC in St. Olga's Cathedral. July 24, 2024. Source: UOC
On the day of the commemoration of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry led the Divine Liturgy at St. Olga Cathedral in Kyiv, according to the Information and Education Department of the UOC.
During the Lesser Entrance, His Beatitude presented the founder and honorary rector of the parish, Archpriest Vsevolod Rybchynsky, with the Order of Job of Pochaiv, First Class. The Primate also awarded liturgical honors to the rector and clergy of the cathedral.
In his sermon, His Beatitude spoke about the significance of Princess Olga’s apostolic contribution to the establishment of Orthodoxy on our land. According to him, during her reign, "many people came to know God, were baptized, many churches were built, and the name of God was glorified on our land."
During the fervent supplication, prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and deliverance from the enemy, asking the Lord to have mercy on our people and preserve those who are in despair and have lost their homes; for God's blessing on people of goodwill who help those in need. The Primate asked God for mercy for the Ukrainian people, to grant wisdom to the authorities, courage to the soldiers, to free the captives, heal the sick, and shelter those who are homeless.
During the service, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry ordained a new deacon for St. Olga Cathedral – Andriy Shkurko.
After the Liturgy, the Primate and clergy performed a service of glorification with a prayer to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga.
His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry congratulated everyone on the 30th anniversary of the parish. The Archpastor then awarded church honors to active parishioners of St. Olga's Cathedral. The rector of the church, Archpriest Vitaliy Kotsaba, thanked the Primate for his visit and prayers. Words of gratitude were also expressed by the founder of the parish, Archpriest Vsevolod Rybchynsky.
After the service, the Primate blessed the opening of a charity fair held on the cathedral's grounds to support wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
As previously reported by the UOJ, His Beatitude led the festivities in honor of Venerable Anthony of the Caves.
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