Four days of hell: In France, 850 children to attend satanic rock festival
"The Sanctuary" - the "temple" of Satan at a rock festival in France. Photo:
From June 27 to 30, the rock festival Hellfest 2024 will take place in Clisson, Loire-Atlantique, France, where 850 children are expected to attend.
It is anticipated that over 60,000 people will visit the festival daily. On six stages, two of which are named Altar and Temple, 180 bands will perform.
One of the main attractions at the festival will be a structure called "The Keeper of Darkness", created by La Machine.
This chimera, made of steel and wood with a woman's face and a scorpion's body, will greet festival-goers every evening from 10:00 PM to midnight. Next year, it will become a permanent feature of the festival.
Additionally, the organizers will hold Hellfest Kids – an event for children, which will take place a day before the main festival, on June 26, in Gétigné at the Bellevue venue.
This event is intended for primary school students from 16 municipalities of the Clisson agglomeration. Participation of 850 children is expected. The program includes two concerts, including a performance by singer Aldebert with his new album Helldebert – Enfantillages 666.
Moreover, the entrance to the festival is designed in the form of a Catholic cathedral, with approaches lined with blasphemous parodies of church banners.
Additionally, last year, a "temple" of Satan called The Sanctuary was installed at the festival, topped with a sculpture of a goat with black wings.
Previously, it was reported that an American school opened an After-School Satan Club.
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