OCU advocate speaks about his obstruction of UOC as a civil servant

Dmitry Gorevoy. Photo: radiosvoboda.org

Dmitry Gorevoy, head of the department of religions and nationalities of the Lviv Regional State Administration, spoke about his attitude as an official to the communities of the UOC.

Gorevoy noted that personal religious convictions and “expert religious activities” do not prevent him from fulfilling his official duties.

The official, who is the author and host of the program on the YouTube channel directed against the UOC, explained that in accordance with the current legislation, such activities are classified as "creativity", which is not prohibited for civil servants.

“Civil servants can engage in creative activities, which, in particular, are aimed at creating works of both text and audiovisual nature, as in my case,” said Gorevoy.

Gorevoy also assured that he “neither discriminates” particular religious organizations nor favors” any others.

At the same time, the state official noted that representatives of local communities of the UOC had already contacted him with inquiries, in response to which he provided information solely on the basis of the current legislation.

“For example, there were questions about re-registration of statutes or changing the rector. I explained how this should be done according to the current legislation: first the official name should be changed in accordance with the law of Ukraine on freedom of conscience, the order of the Ministry of Culture on the conduct of a religious examination and the like,” Gorevoy said.

In his opinion, he acts "exclusively within the framework of the current legislation," and considers "reproaches" in his bias "as a kind of PR campaign in order to denigrate and spoil his business reputation."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the OCU propagandist will head the Department of Religious Affairs of the Lviv Region.

Later it became known that "Miriane" would seek the dismissal of the hate-mongering official from the Lviv Regional State Administration. 

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