Protest in Kyiv against LGBT march

Protest against LGBT march. Photo: video screenshot

On June 14, a protest was held in Kyiv against the "Equality March", which is planned to take place in the capital on June 16.

Notably, the protest is happening outside the city hall, even though the city council has not approved the LGBT parade. In a video published by Strana, dozens of people with posters can be seen standing outside the administration building. One of the posters reads: "Human Rights - Family Rights".

On June 16, Kyiv was set to host the first Equality March since 2021, with around 500 LGBT community members expected to participate. The event was planned to take place in the metro.

Later, the city hall of the Ukrainian capital announced that it had not approved the LGBT march in the metro and had not allocated any funds for it. They reminded that the Kyiv metro is a dual-purpose facility and part of the city's critical infrastructure. The organizers of the march were asked to move the event to another location. KyivPride stated that they do not need the city hall's permission to hold the Equality March.

As reported by the UOJ, the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations issued a statement regarding plans to hold "public events by a left-wing political movement" on June 16 in Kyiv.

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