US Senate urged to quickly pass a resolution on religious freedom
US Senate. Photo: Getty Images
In the United States, 113 advocates have called on the Senate to recognize global threats to religious liberty and to expedite the adoption of a resolution on freedom of religion as a fundamental right, as reported by the Christian Post.
"From ongoing genocides and mass atrocities perpetrated against religious minority groups, to individuals imprisoned and exiled for their faith and beliefs, from unjust restrictions on religious gatherings and practices, to the destruction of religious sites, these threats against both people of faith and no faith are not only grave violations of fundamental human rights, but also lead to instability, insecurity, and a lack of economic development," the document says.
Among other countries, the resolution specifically mentions religious freedom abuses in Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Iran and Russia. In Russia, the resolution says "laws on terrorism and extremism are used to target religious minorities such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and members of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church for their beliefs."
"Because of that situation, the resolution's policy recommendations are vital: promoting religious freedom as an 'utmost priority' in U.S. foreign policy, holding violators accountable using all available diplomatic and sanctions tools, working with global partners, and expanding support for leaders and activists working to protect religious freedom worldwide," the letter reads.
As reported by the UOJ, the US media outlet The Wall Street Journal published an article by Gillian Kay Melchior justifying the actions of Ukrainian lawmakers seeking to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
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