Many children secretary of UOC Khust Eparchy kept in a military unit

Priest Ioan Rozman. Photo:

The secretary of the Khust Diocese of the UOC, Priest Ioan Rozman was kidnapped and illegally detained in a military unit. This is reported by kozakTv1 with reference to the priest's relatives.

Relatives of the secretary of the Khust Diocese of the UOC priest Ioan Rozman ask for prayers for the father and claim that he has been illegally detained by representatives of the TCC for more than three weeks.

On March 14, the diocese reported that the clergyman was detained and taken in an unknown direction by representatives of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) and the TCC.

It later became known that the priest Ioan, who has many children, was being attempted to mobilize contrary to the law.

At the moment, according to information from his family members, despite his family status, which exempts the priest from mobilization, he is being kept in a military unit.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the employees of the Khust RMRCC and SS detained two clergymen of the UOC diocese despite legitimate grounds for exemption from military service.

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