UOC believers whose sons died at front can’t access Rivne Region Council

A UOC parishioner who lost her son in the war came to the regional council to defend the UOC. Photo: UOJ

Mothers and wives of fallen servicemen were not allowed to attend the meeting, which resulted in the banning of the UOC in the Rivne region.

On April 10, 2023, believers who lost their husbands and sons at the front came to the building of the Rivne regional council to attend its meeting, at which the deputies present banned the UOC in the Rivne region.

The message posted on the website of the regional council says that the "fateful" decision to ban the UOC was supported by all the deputies present unanimously. In addition, the MPs voted for cancelling a number of decisions of the executive committee of the Rivne Regional Council of People's Deputies regarding the registration of the statutes of those religious communities which as of today are part of the UOC and the transfer of churches to them for use.

According to the UOJ source, knowing that the regional council would be considering issues related to the banning of the UOC, believing mothers and wives of the dead military tried to get to the meeting, but they were not allowed in by the guards.

The faithful came to the authorities led by the ruling bishop, Archbishop Pimen (Voyat), holding portraits of their fallen sons and husbands.

"The hymn sings: ‘We will lay down our soul and body for our freedom’, so our sons have given their souls and bodies, but we don't see freedom," says the mother of the fallen serviceman.

Police officers refused to let the worshippers in, citing the fact that all sessions are closed due to martial law.

As reported, Rivne city councillors confiscated land plots under UOC churches.

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