Verkhovna Rada registers a bill to ban Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine
Mykola Kniazhytsky. Photo:
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has registered a bill banning the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church on the territory of Ukraine. This was reported on the telegram channel of the European Solidarity party.
The initiator of the bill was the MP from the ES faction Mykola Kniazhytsky. The bill provides for a complete ban on the activities of any religious organizations and institutions that are part of or recognize in any form the subordination to the ROC "in canonical, organizational, and other matters."
The Poroshenko’s ES party notes that the purpose of the bill is to prevent threats to the national security of Ukraine and ensure order, because “for too long the ROC has carried out explicit anti-Ukrainian and sabotage activities and defended all the actions of the criminal Russian regime.”
“The activities of Orthodox religious organizations in Ukraine should be carried out taking into account the Patriarchal and Synodal Tomos granted to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian state,” and “the liberation of Ukraine from the ROC is another step towards independent Ukraine,” the message says.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the ES MP demanded to deprive the UOC representatives of the “For the Defense of Kharkiv” award.
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