Prosecutor's Office demands from the court "mitigation" to the detainees for setting fire to the monastery
"The Prosecutor's Office of Kiev in the appeal will uphold a consistent position and ask for mitigation of the preventive measure for two Kievites who are suspected of setting fire to the illegally constructed building of the Tithes Monastery of the UOC-MP," she noted.
In addition, she said that the Prosecutor's Office will investigate the "illegal construction" near the foundation of the Church of the Tithes and on Monday "claims will be formed".
Prosecutor General Lutsenko stated that the leader of the Uniates Lubomir Guzar gave him faith, provided strong support "helping to bear the cross", and "opened his eyes", and the President of the Ukrainian Catholic University Boris Gudziak is his friend.
Earlier, the people's deputy from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc Grigory Shverk and the people's deputy from the "Batkivschyna" Igor Lutsenko expressed their desire to post a several million bail for the arsonists of the Tithes Monastery of the UOC Alexander Gorban and Alexei Shemotiuk. Shverk called their actions not a crime, but a "performance", and a man resembling the former "Azov" member Lutsenko was recorded on the video of the attack on the monastery by "S14" radicals.
Also, the head of the UOC Legal Department said that the people's deputy Lutsenko was trying to pressure the court and local authorities in the monastery case.
As is known, on January 25, the Kiev police reported the detention of two men for arson of the monastery in accordance with Art. 208 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In fact, criminal proceedings were opened under part 2 of Article 15, part 2 of Article 139 of the Criminal Code (attempted intentional destruction or damage to property). On January 28 Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kiev arrested the offenders for 2 months with bail as an alternative.
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