BPP people's deputy Shverk considers arson of Desyatinny Monastery a "performance"
He admits that the judge's decision was completely unexpected for him: "It seems to me that it is too tough ... The judge took, in my view, not very motivated and too tough a decision on this issue. The judge acted inadequately."
"First of all, the guys apologized. Secondly, they said that they had no intention to set fire, they had an intention to attract attention (that is, it was such a performance), Shverk notes. "They are quite adequate people who understand what they have done."
In his opinion, if the detainees really wanted to burn the building, they would have acted differently.
On January 29, Igor Lutsenko bailed out "S14" right-wing radicals Alexei Shemotyuk and Alexander Gorban, detained at the crime scene at the Desyatinny Monastery of the UOC.
Deputy Igor Lutsenko called the judge's decision "atypical" and was surprised by her "bias". It is noteworthy that the video of the attack on the monastery recorded a man resembling people's deputy Lutsenko.
The rector of the Desyatinny Monastery of the UOC, Archimandrite Clement, regards the arson as an act of vandalism, and the fire was extinguished thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God.
Recall, on January 25, after the nationalists from the S14 broke into the office of the UOJ, with inaction of law enforcers, they went to the Church of the Tithes. It is significant that the radicals fearlessly recorded their actions fearlessly on the video.
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