“Cyborg”: defenders of the country are drawn into dirty pool against the Church

Sergey Biloshitsky, a commander of the first company of the 90th separate assault battalion of the 81st airmobile brigade, which in 2014 took part in the battle for Donetsk airport, urged all participants of the was in Donbass not to fall for the lies told by politicians and not to stir up an inter-religious confrontation, targeted against the UOC. He wrote about it on January 20 on his Facebook page.

"Today is the Day of Remembrance of the defenders of Donetsk Airport. The Day of mourning. The Day of pride. The Day of fire-singed glory and courage. And it is very painful on such a day to read that soldiers defending their homeland are being drawn into dirty political tricks. Furthermore, against the Church, one of the most important pillars on which our Ukraine stands," the soldier writes.

Biloshitsky quotes the head of the Foundation of Soldiers' Mothers, Anna Vorobyova, who calls on all parties to the conflict not to yield to "false provocations related to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, because behind all this lies hatred for our country, a desire to tear it to pieces."

In his opinion, this is necessary for those who want Ukrainians "to hate each other even more, and instead of fighting against the real enemy, they fought among themselves. Let's remember the unity and future of the country. About what the defenders of Donetsk airport gave their lives for."

January 20 is the day of memory of the defenders of Donetsk airport.

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