Before the elections, attacks on the UOC will only intensify, – political expert
"On the one hand, against the background of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, Ukrainians today are very sensitive to religious topics. On the other hand, there was a situation in Zaporozhie, where the priest of the UOC refused to read the funeral service over the child, which the authorities and radicals tried to use. The case made it possible once again to weaken the situation around the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The interests of the authorities that want the Local Church, the opponents of the UOC from the Kyiv Patriarchate and the "right-wing" radicals, who are ready to PR themselves and view the Lavra as a potentially attractive asset," he explains.
In Bortnik's opinion, the authorities are trying to divert attention from the role of the UOC in the exchange of prisoners of war, "which causes jealousy among very many politicians," and from Filaret's letter to Patriarch Kirill asking for a dialogue.
"Today, politicians are doing everything they can to involve the Church in political fights. The President of Ukraine must intervene in the situation, give orders to law enforcement bodies regarding the non-interference of politicians in the activities of the UOC," the political expert said.
On January 8, the nationalist group S14 blocked the entrance to the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Participants in the action lit flares and held placards. The police did not interfere with the radicals.
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