Radicals in Dnepr disrupt the divine worship in Holy Trinity Cathedral of the UOC

On January 6, on the eve of the bright Nativity holiday, radicals in Dnepr disrupted the divine worship at the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The respective video is posted by the action participants on the Internet at Christmas.

Members of the NGO "Liga Skhodu" (League of the East) came to the temple and blamed the clergyman by reading the lines from the "Gospel of Matthew" about the expulsion of merchants from the temple. When they finished reading, the young people, whose faces had been retouched on the video, threw the sheets with the verses from the New Testament on the floor and disappeared.

“We decided to join the flashmob in Zaporozhye “Bring a toy as a sign of protest against the Moscow Patriarchate”. We came, brought toys, pasted leaflets and arranged a small performance. We know that criminal proceedings have been opened on this fact, so we do not know whether we will go any further," one of the members of the League of the East told the “Informator”.

"I'm not a Christian" – these words begin the announcement of a criminal offense on the radicals' page, which 11 people have signed up for and "liked" on Facebook. The note to the video report on provocation ends with a promise "this is only the beginning. See you".

It is noteworthy that Article 180 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for criminal liability for obstructing religious rites. The maximum punishment envisaged by the article is the restriction of freedom for up to two years.

On December 6, 2017 in Dnepr there was held a torchlight procession in honor of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by organization "C14", "Sich Dnipro" and "League of the East". Earlier, in November 2017, the nationalist ultra-right organization C14 was added to the list of international terrorist organizations.

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