Believers of the UOC in Kuty celebrate their patron saint’s day in a military tent

On December 22, the UOC community of Saint Righteous Anna in Kuty village, Shumsk district of Ternopol region gathered again in their temporary worship house – a military tent on the private premises to revere the holiday of their celestial guardian. Over 70 people arrived at the festive service, according to the UOJ correspondent.

"All these people are only residents of the village, we did not invite believers from other Orthodox parishes, since our main patronal feast is on August 7, the day of the repose of the holy righteous Anna," Protopriest Igor Kushniruk, rector of the community, said on the day of the service.

Many people came to confession and Holy Communion, children were also brought to worship.

As for the church occupied by the Kyiv Patriarchate supporters, the UOC community still does not have access to the building. While the raiders are loyal to their fellow villagers, as they remember that the temple was built by joint efforts, the Orthodox priest is not allowed to the building.

The community of the UOC has been praying for a long time in private territory, in a tent, which demobilized soldiers of the Armed Forces helped to gather for services.

The community of the UOC of Kuty village continues to defend in the courts its rights to the temple, which was erected and registered as its property. By the suit of the UOC-KP community, considered for the second time, the documents confirming that the church belongs to the believers of the UOC were annulled again.

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