In Malin "patriots" disrupt consecration of memorial cross

On December 16, in Malin, Zhytomyr region, provocateurs disrupted the service of the UOC and the consecration of a renewed memorial cross, writes "Zhitomir Info".

Hardly had Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch and Korosten started consecrating the cross, when activists in camouflage and balaclavas arrived in several cars.

Provocateurs immediately began to call the faithful separatists, shouting that the service was conducted in Russian, although it was Church Slavonic. In addition, they said that the burial service of Ukrainian soldiers was allegedly not performed in the churches of the UOC.

As a result, the consecration of the cross was disrupted: not to provoke further conflict, the priests left the site.

Indignant parishioners told the activists that the disruption of the consecration was a specially planned action, to which the activists responded that they had come for free.

"Provocators arrived synchronously on several cars, acted cohesively and orderly. The godless, some of whom were in balaclavas, were not even stopped by the fact that at the time of their "invasion" the faithful were praying for peace, mutual understanding, restoration of the territorial integrity and health of ATO soldiers, while Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch and Korosten was preparing to consecrate the sanctuary. The provocateurs recorded all of their actions, probably in order to further report to the customers, " noted the representatives of the All-Ukrainian Association "Dostali!"

The roadside cross, eracted at the entrance to Malin of the Zhitomir region 7 years ago, with time began to destroy and was renewed.

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