In Zaporozhe, the UOC helps children with disabilities evicted by the Kyiv Patriarchate
According to the parents of disabled children, for a long time no one had been interested in their problems: "everyone turned their backs on us until we addressed personally to Vladyka Luke."
Parents tell their story this way. "Now there is much debate about the difference between the Kyiv Patriarchate and the canonical Church. The society is literally electrified by this. For us, it's all obvious. "Bishop" Photy of the Kyiv Patriarchate decided to make his residence in the building of the Center, and he drove us out into the street, completely without worrying about what will happen to us.
Thanks to the personal participation of Bishop Luke, the priests of the eparchy, deputies of the city council and all people of good will, citizens who are not indifferent to the situation (fortunately, warm-hearted people prevail in our city), we have a bright, spacious room, a roof over our heads, and our children have got a chance to integrate into the environment of their peers as soon as possible," they say.
Earlier, on August 2, the ICTV television station showed the eviction story of the Center: parents threw wheelchairs across the fence, and the new "bishop" of the UOC-KP told that he had a decision that the building was in an emergency state and he needed it in order to provide housing for himself and his clergy living in rented apartments.
The Center for Disabled Children is unique in its kind: its employees have developed exclusive adaptive methods for children with autism, which are assimilated by foreign specialists coming from overseas.
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