International human rights defenders call on Ukraine to stop persecution of UOC

International non-governmental human rights organizations called on the authorities of Ukraine to stop discrimination against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This decision was taken at a working group session of the Universal Periodic Review of the 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The appeal of international human rights defenders contains five points.

First, it is necessary to ensure an objective and impartial investigation of the facts of committing violent actions against UOC believers and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Secondly, to withdraw draft laws Nos. 4128, 4511, 5309 aimed at restricting rights and establishing new obligations that discriminate against the religious organizations of the UOC.

Thirdly, to publicly condemn seizures of churches, damage and destruction of the property of the UOC.

Fourthly, to ensure the free exercise of the right of religious organizations and believers of the UOC to practise their faith while preserving canonical communion with the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate without any discrimination or defamation.

Fifthly, to ensure the free activity, protection and security of journalists, human rights defenders and activists who protect human rights and inform about cases of offenses, including cases and situations of conflicts connected with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

During the OSCE sessions on human rights in Vienna and Warsaw, as well as during the meeting of the XXIV General Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy in Rome, it was decided to monitor violations of the rights of believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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