Today is not the power that should be for Ukraine, – bishop of the RCC

The Ukrainian authorities do not live the people’s life. Those who are engaged in corruption and wish to enrich themselves more and steal are striving for power, whille the people are suffering. This was said by the ordinary of the Odessa-Simferopol diocese of the RCC Bishop Bronislaw Bernacki on Radio Maria.

"Today there is still not that power that should be for Ukraine, " said the Catholic hierarch. "Power must serve the people!" Instead, the authorities try to serve only themselves and their supporters. The whole world looks at this and says: "Try, because nobody will make reforms for you."

"Those who are engaged in corruption, want to become much richer and steal even more are striving for power! " emphasized the bishop. "There was still a sense of power when Leonid Kuchma was the President. They accepted, helped, and then ... under both Yushchenko, and Yanukovich, and Poroshenko – nothing."

"The president needs to say something, that's why he says that life has become better," said Bronislaw Bernacki. "Let him ask the people! How low pensions and salaries are, and what the prices are! I remember how ten people came to Odessa from central Ukraine to look for a job, because they cannot find anything! "

"Honest and just people are not allowed to power! Because corruption is everywhere!" the Catholic bishop concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, the Vatican Secretary of State advocated for observance of Minsk agreements.

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