Kiev Patriarchate consecrates icon for scandalous site "Mirotvorets"

On August 15, Metropolitan John (Yaremenko) of the Kiev Patriarchate consecrated the icon "The All-Seeing Eye of God" for the site "Mirotvorets" ("Peacemaker"). This is reported by the website of the UOC-KP.

Adddressing the staff of the "Mirotvorets" Center, Metropolitan John noted that the icon is not only a symbol or an image, but it is "an effective way given by God through which we connect with the heavenly powers".

In addition, the representative of the UOC-KP noted that "when we consecrated the icon of the All-Seeing Eye of God, then according to our faith and Divine grace this image received such properties that our prayer will be heard by God and we receive from God strengthening in faith, сlarification and response to the internal and external needs we have".

Earlier the name of the vicar of the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra, Metropolitan Vladimir of Pochaev, has been placed in the section "Purgatory" on the site "Mirotvorets" for appeals to believers "to convince not by the force of arms, but by the power of words".

On May 11, 2016, on "Peacemaker" there were published full personal data, addresses and phone numbers of several thousand journalists from around the world. The day before, Anton Gerashchenko, who is associated with the activities of an odious resource, announced the publication of personal data of journalists on his Facebook page.

The National Police started an investigation into the publication in May 2016 of personal data of 4,500 journalists on the "Mirotvorets".

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