The Museum of Art of the Old Ukrainian Book did not count up 455 rarities

The stock-taking, which was held at the Book Museum in Lviv for half a year, did not find 455 copies of old books. This is written by ”High Castle”.

"There was a huge shortage of storage items for different fund groups," said Taras Vozniak, director of the Lviv National Art Gallery. “In total, the Museum of Art of the old Ukrainian book found missing 455 museum items! It’s a record!"

Among the stolen articles, in particular, 141 books of the Latin font, 16 Ukrainian books of civil font, 18 books of Fedoriana (associated with the first printer Ivan Fedorov), two manuscripts. 95 Cyrillic old printed books have not been discovered, while 19 of the older printers of this stock group do not match the records in the entry books (substituted). Among the Latin old printed books, 87 museum items were not found, and 28 were replaced. Among the missing ones such pearls as the "Apostle" by Ivan Fedorov dated 1574, "Apostle" by Spiridon Sobol dated 1630, the edition of Michael Slezka of the XVII century and others.

Taras Vozniak said he had informed the Ministry of Culture, the National Police, the Security Service, and the Prosecutor's Office about the "loss". Based on the work of the reconciliation commission, the investigative department of the Galician Police Department of the State Institution of Emergency Situations in the Lviv region has opened criminal proceedings.

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