Scientists conduct a unique operation to retrieve the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker
"The crypt is located below sea level and the relics brought to Bari in XI century rest under three stone slabs installed back at the time of deposition of the saint there," Dr. Introna said. "Piercing the slabs are several small holes that make it possible to collect the holy moisture the relics exude. The rite of collecting it takes place annually on May 9 (the day of Nicholas the Wonderworker by the Catholic calendar). The slabs were removed only on one occasion, in 1953, but were then put back to their original places," the expert said.
According to the scientist, the fragment that will be taken to Russia was retrieved exactly through the holes in the slabs.
"We didn’t know what specifically we could take out of there," he said. "We made the decision right on the spot. The holes 6 centimeters in diameter provide the only access to the relics. We needed laparoscopic equipment that is used in healthcare now for this job."
The team in charge of the operation invited a professional surgeon to help them.
"Along with it, we had to reach down to the depth of almost one meter - something that never happens during regular laparoscopic surgical procedures," Dr. Introna said. "First we examined the bones with the aid of a microscopic video camera and then selected the rib in a hope it would get through the hole and wouldn’t be damaged along the way. This is the biggest relic that we could retrieve."
First, experts wanted to cover the fragment with special glue, but then abandoned this idea.
"The fact is that bones in a sense are stones. If we cover them with special glue, then we fix them on the one hand, but with the other we deprive ventilation, which is necessary for safety. For our fragility, our fragment is in good condition," said Dr. Francesco Introna.
In 2017, for the first time in 930 years, the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker leave the Italian city of Bari to be delivered to Russia where they will be venerated by the faithful.
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