The sign removed, aftertaste left: Social networks about the incident with "Holocaust Cabaret"

Kiev residents were shocked at the sign "The Holocaust Cabaret", placed on the building of the theater next door to the synagogue. It caused indignant posts in social networks, writes Strana.

Chief Rabbi of Kiev and Ukraine Moshe Azman expressed his outrage at this poster. "This horror (I cannot find a word on how to call it) was hanged in the center of Kiev yesterday, on the Holocaust Memorial Day, in the city where Babi Yar is located," he wrote on the Facebook page on April 25.

The Kiev theatre "Misanthrope" has placed an advertisement for the play, the full title of which is "The trial of John Demjanjuk. The Holocaust Cabaret "on the facade of the Bel'etage Theatre, where the premiere was announced on April 28.

On the Internet, opinions are divided. Some are indignant with the provocative nature of advertising, others are defending modern art.

Journalist Eugeniy Smertenko said that the unpleasant aftertaste still remained: “"The Holocaust Cabaret ", of course, is the name of the play and the performance. And not what they are going to do with the Jews in Kiev. But the aftertaste remained. Well, I hardly imagine the ad for the play "The Holodomor Cabaret" even if there was such a play.”

And the user Ilya Aizenshtat wrote the following: "Having lost most of the family in the Holocaust, I cannot appreciate the art and idea of the authors. It looks like a slap in the face of the families of the victims of World War II, not just the Jews!"

The art critic Konstantin Doroshenko condemns those who, without seeing the performance, condemn the poster: "It's wickedly ironic that the title of the play "The Holocaust Cabaret" causes pogrom feelings. Don’t be offended when you will get a mess," says the journalist in the social network.

The poster of the performance "The Holocaust Cabaret" was removed at the demand of the Jewish community of Kiev, as reported on the Facebook page of the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine.

Ivan Demjanjuk is a former citizen of the United States and the USSR of Ukrainian origin, who was found guilty of war crimes, which he committed as a guard in several Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

The play leaves factual questions about Demjanjuk's guilt outside the framework, reproducing the theatrical nature of the trial itself, which lasted almost 40 years. The performance is a sarcastic show on the verge of absurdity, a "tragic circus", as foreign critics defined the genre.

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