Primate of UOC: We must owe glory to Lord but not to ourselves (VIDEO)

On April 9, in his Sunday homily, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry spoke about the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which the Church celebrates this day, and explained what we must learn from this sacred episode for our spiritual life, reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

Recalling the Gospel events of the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the Primate said: "The Savior, defeating death, entered Jerusalem not on a white horse, but on a meek, humble donkey." He stressed that the Lord, who had won a great victory over death itself, chose not a chariot for the victorious procession into the city, but a donkey, giving us an example of great humility.

His Beatitude also said how to properly treat the praises and glory that comes from people.

"This episode of the sacred event teaches us that if a person does something good, and people come to him, or his own thoughts start praising him, he must remember the donkey of Jerusalem," said His Beatitude. – Clothes were thrown not at the Lord's feet, but at the donkey’s. But the donkey did not take this honor for itself – it did not jump, did not shout from vanity, but humbly fulfilled its duty. So we, when doing some kind of good deed, should remember that we are the Lord’s tool. Therefore, if we exalt ourselves by this and take ourselves to God, we will be worse than the Jerusalem donkey, who could understand what belonged to it and what did not. "

Metropolitan Onuphry also urged to glorify God unceasingly. Because if we do not do this, then, according to the word of Christ, "the stones will cry" (Luke 19:40).

"We, dear brothers and sisters, living on earth, should glorify God with our lips and deeds. If the Lord does something good through us, then we owe this glory to Him, and not to ourselves, so as not to be sacrilegious. Then our life will be blessed, and at its end we will have a hope for eternal salvation in the Heaven in Christ Jesus our Lord," concluded the Primate.

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