Not a single word about “One Church”: Constantinople does not confirm Groysman’s information

The press release of Constantinople Patriarchate on the occasion of the meeting of Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groysman and Patriarch Bartholomew does not contain pledges to ensure assistance in the creation of “one church” in Ukraine. it is testified by the document’s translation from the Greek language, performed by the UOJ.
The memorandum of the official site of the Ecumenical Patriarchate writes the Patriarch and Ukraine’s Premier have discussed various issues in a friendly atmosphere, followed by the exchange of memory gifts. Nothing is said what they spoke about in particulars.

It is known the Prime Minister and the Patriarch have made a press release. However, there is no film on the site which could show their talking to the press.

Recently the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers has published some information that Patriarch Bartholomew reportedly pledged to assist by the creation of “one church” in Ukraine.

Below is an exclusive translation made by the UOJ of the information about the meeting posted on the official site of Constantinople Patriarchate.

His Excellency Prime Minister of Ukraine in the Patriarch’s Office

On Wednesday of 15 March Mr Vladimir Groysman, Chair of the Government of Ukraine, within the framework of his official visit to Turkey, paid a visit to the Ecumenical Patriarch’s Office accompanied by Vladimir Kistion, Deputy Chair of Government, Taras Kustovoy, Minister of Agriculture, Liliya Grinevich, Minister of Education, and Andrey Sibikh, Ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey, as well as Maksim Vdovichenko, Acting General Consul in Istanbul city, Sergey Popik and Mirosalv Kosheliuk, Advisors to the Prime Minister, Yury Bodenchuk, personal secretary of Mr Groysman and interpreter Stanislav Yezhov.

According to the protocol courtesy rules, Mr Prime Minister was received at the entrance for the clergy of the Patriarch’s Residence; afterwards he was offered a sightseeing tour around the residence, guided by Archimandrite Vissarion, Scriniary of the Patriarch.

Further on, Mr Premier was received in conformity with all ceremonials by His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in his room where they began discussing various issues which continued for a long while in a friendly atmosphere. They also exchanged gifts in the presence of His Eminence Metropolitan Immanuel of Gaul, His Eminence Bartholomew of Smyrna – Secretary of the Holy Synod, as well as Archbishop Daniel of Pamphylia, who guides the Ukrainian parish of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the USA.

Afterwards, in the Throne Room, the Chairman of Ukrainian Government, together with other attendees, had a meeting with the press during which they made special statements in this respect.

At the end of the meeting, the Prime Minister was shown by the Patriarch with due honors to the entrance of the Patriarch’s house.

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