Adamovka parishioners warn about forthcoming provocation from TSN

Parishioners of Ss. Peter and Paul’s Church of the UOC of Adamovka village of the Berezno district, Rivne region, requested the UOJ to prevent a planned provocation. Residents of the village witnessed 1+1 correspondents interviewing a woman who, against the background of the church, accused the clergy of the UOC of non-patriotism and told deliberately false information about the funeral of an ATO soldier in the village.

As it became known, the interview to people with TSN and "1 + 1" paraphernalia was given by Larisa Sirotinskaya, a resident of the village of Adamovka and a parishioner of the church of the Kiev Patriarchate in the village of Sosnovoye. She reported that allegedly the priests of the UOC "insulted on the memory of the ATO soldier".

As the UOJ was said in the Sarny diocese, the relatives of the deceased themselves turned to the canonical church, rejecting the Kiev Patriarchate. The funeral service, with the blessing of Metropolitan Anatoly of Sarny, was held by seven priests at once.

The parishioners of Ss. Peter and Paul’s Church in the village of Adamovka told the UOJ correspondent that "people with TV cameras asked provocative questions and tried to denigrate the canonical Church." According to the rector of the church, Archpriest Alexander Lutsishin, "believers reacted very negatively to uninvited guests, and some even rudely kicked them out of the village."

Correspondents of the channel "1 + 1" for three days, from March 13, went around the villages located in the Sarny diocese, but a warm welcome from the parishioners of the UOC was nowhere to be found.

Such close attention specifically to the Sarny diocese may be attributed to the fact that for 20 years no parish of the UOC has fallen into schism, which can upset the Kiev Patriarchate.

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