Kiev Patriarchate and "Right Sector" do not abandon attempts to seize UOC church in Kinakhovtsy
According to the rector Fr.Vitaly Gurev, the community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church did all that is required by law to avoid the seizure. The law enforcement bodies and the local government were informed of the threat of raider attacks on the real property. In addition, the priest collected signatures in support of the canonical Church. According to him, the majority of the residents signed for it.
Along with the community of Kinakhovtsy, this church is attended by villagers of Butyn, a UOC parish left without a church for more than two years ago. "We have from 60 to 80 people every Sunday," said Fr. Vitaly. In bad weather, in his words, the faithful from the neighboring village walk a few kilometers down the road, and in summer the way to the church is shorter – through the field. The UOC community is determined not to give the church property to invaders.
It became known of the plans of the "Right Sector" and the UOC-KP to seize the church before last weekend. However, the first attempt of the raiders to hold a meeting in the village hall failed – the village-dwellers reluctantly responded to the initiative and only few came at the appointed time. A large community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church refused to participate in the meeting and the subsequent survey, which supporters of the Kiev Patriarchate attempted to organize in the village. And on the first Sunday following the events, the church service was attended by about 90 people, of whom no more than 5 parishioners supported the change of affiliation, said Fr. Vitaly.
Nevertheless, the "activists" continue to campaign for the "transfer". They are supported by the church raiders of the local cell of the "Right Sector", who do not hide their intentions. It even comes to people's intimidation and outright slanderous propaganda against the Church and its ministers.
There is no legal basis for the handover of the church to another denomination. However, according to the information received, this Saturday in Kinahovtsy there will be an attempt to realize the same raiding scenario as in the village of Kotiuzhiny. After the meeting, where "the results of the vote" will be announced, the raiders led by strongmen from the "Right Sector" and other radical groups will grab the church.
As said in the diocese, a request for a meeting has already been submitted to the village council. Representatives of the Kiev Patriarchate are so assured of the outcome that thay have already announced a morning service to be held in the church, that does not belong to them, for 5 March.
As reported by the UOJ, in the village of Kinakhovtsy the Kiev Patriarchate and the "Right Sector" provoke a division in order to seize the UOC church.
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