Patriarch Kirill shames social networks users ready to do anything for "likes"
"Today, in our social networks, there is a real disease that especially young people are willing to take any actions, sometimes even the worst, at the risk of their lives, only to have someone like the photo showing a particular action. To define this support, the English word "like" is used," said the Patriarch on Tuesday evening after the service at the Epiphany Cathedral in Moscow.
"Now, some young people see no purpose in life but collecting those likes, and in case of none, they take it as a personal tragedy," he stated.
Meanwhile, according to the Patriarch, vanity is one of the sins, "which arouses in a man an incredible sensitivity to how people assess him/her, and then the sole purpose of life become actions, words and deeds aimed at getting people’s recognition".
Earlier on Monday, the first day of Great Lent, the Patriarch appealed to the users of the social network "VKontakte".
"Remember that abstaining from a certain kind of food is an important and necessary remedy that must facilitate a change in our hearts. It is a sacrifice that we bring to God, making an effort and giving up the lifestyle we are used to in order to be closer to Him," wrote the Primate.
"How do need to undergo the Great Lent? Avoiding eating fasting foods and entertainment, we should pay attention to our internal state – not judge your neighbor, not engage in empty talk , control your thoughts, feelings and wishes, but at the same time an integral part of Lent should be works of mercy and care for our neighbors," wrote the Patriarch.
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