Sectants hold "mass healings" in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
In the Ministry's hall in Sechevykh Streltsov Street «Christian church «New Generation» gathered the people to pray «for the salvation of soul» and offered all who wished to get rid of drug addiction, diabetis and oncology.
«When the «Vesti» corresspondent made his way along the corridors of the Ministry of Justice, his eyes were involuntarily caught by the young men of athletic build, some of them having ring tattooes on their fingers. They appeared to be junior pastors who hold services in local groups which are set up in every district of the capital,» writes the author of the article.
When the hall was full to room as many as 600 people by our estimates, pastor Andrey Tishchenko appeared on the stage who began to convince the audience for an hour it is possible to cure AIDS, paraplegia, and remove the generic damnation – one should just have faith.
By the end of the service a mass healing ritual began. Everybody raised their hands, while the pastor began to produce loudly strange sounds, somebody from the crowd was even twisting as if he were in convulsions. “At that point everything resembled an exorcism scene from a mystical film when the man was taken over by the devil who spoke with the victim’s mouth. As one of the participants told us later, the pastor spoke in his own… angelic language. “You will leave this place healed, if you do not get healed here, you will do on your way home. Unless it happens – you will recover in the heaven. There are no diseases there,” finished his performance the evangelist pastor and the audience began to leave the hall slowly, as the correspondent described it.
The religious organization «New Generation» appeared in the early 90-s but is gathering steam now. One of its leaders, according to the site information, is Aleksey Lediayev who is forbidden to enter Ukraine at present.
In March 2007 separate clergymen of the UOC KP participated in joint events with the church «New Generation» and offered Lediayev to pronounce a sermon in one of the UOC-KP temples in Zaporozhye region. Soon after this event Filaret declared in his open letter that sermons of this church leader pose threat to Ukraine's sovereignty, while the church «bears all signs of the totalitarian sect or totalitarian worship,» and rejected any proposals on joint activities.
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