Head of Cherkassy Regional Council: I’d rather resign than betray canonical Church
“As a civil servant I give no preference to any of the confessions,” noted Alexander Velbivets. “No preferences! But as a citizen I enjoy the right under the Constitution to choose what Church I should attend and what denomination I should be affiliated to. The most important thing is to believe God in my soul,” he said.
The Chairman underscored he remains loyal to the Church in which he was baptized, wedded and takes Communion. “If I change my religious views given political developments in the world and relations with various states, it will be a tribute to fashion rather than real faith. As far as I am concerned, faith is a deep inner experience, and I have a firm foothold within the canonical Orthodox Church.”
Alexander Velbivets said that if MPs believe his affiliation to the UOC hampers the fulfillment of his chairman’s duties, he would rather resign his office than betray his faith.
As for the creation of One Orthodox Church in Ukraine, Alexander Velbivets made it clear this process has to be preceded by the repentance of the whole nation of the church split sin.
“If you are well aware of the essence of faith and processes which are going on between the denominations in Ukraine, you get to understand the main point – there should be all-national penance, followed by the integration within the canonical Orthodox Church.”
“At the moment Ukrainians are not only killed, they are ripped in their faith! I think it must be finished with immediately. For this end each of us should be willing to reach this objective,” noted Alexander Velbivets.
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