Trump defunds pro-abortion international companies

On Monday, January 23, newly-inaugurated President Donald Trump President Donald Trump is reinstating a ban on providing federal money to international organizations that perform abortions and groups that lobby to legalise abortion or promote it as a family planning method, reports Catholic Herald.

This news is welcomed by pro-lifers and all possessing a Christian conscience. "Now we see the impact of the election for the « Pro-life » movement: President Trump took immediate steps to resume the" Mexico City Policy "of President Reagan, – said Fr. Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life (PFL), in a statement on January 23. – A poll shows that Americans do not want the taxpayers' money go to abortions. Termination of financing foreign companies conducting abortions is the first step towards a similar ban at home. "

The Mexico City policy, which got its name from the city which hosted the International Conference on Population of the United Nations in 1984, also known as “the global gag rule”, was first put in place by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. It has been something of a political football ever since, instituted by Republican administrations and rescinded by Democratic ones.

Most recently, President Barack Obama ended the ban in 2009.

While leftists are decrying the move, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer has said that reinstating the policy shows to the American people “and to people of the world... what a value we place on life.”

Trump signed it one day after the January 22 anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe vs Wade decision that legalised abortion in the United States, the date which is traditionally when presidents take action on the policy.

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