Big-Mac Vatican menu: a new project of the Pope and McDonald’s is under way

Elemosinerius Apostolica’s cooperation with Italian non-profit association "Medicina Solidale" and a recently opened “McDonald’s” outlet in Borgo Pio Street has kicked off. The project is aimed at the support of homeless people, who reside in the area of Saint Peter square. It is reported by the Vatican Radio.

According to mass media, this action, as the fast-food restaurant administration hopes, will help quiet down the hubbub caused by the opening of McDonald’s in this holy locality.

McDonald’s top managers told that together with the Archbishop’s service, responsible for charitable activity on behalf of the Pontific, every Monday, starting from 16 January, it will distribute one thousand free lunch sets to the homeless based in Vatican.

"I am very pleased about such agreement with “McDonald’s”, which responded so quickly to our call to sacrifice food to those who live in the area of Vatican square. We have had cooperation with the Elemosinerius Apostolica for a certain while to provide medical assistance for this category of people,” said the Director of "Medicina Solidale" Association. “By giving out free lunches we make a quantum leap, enabling many people, who live in the locality, to receive food, which ensures they will get an adequate intake of proteins and vitamins,” she added.

The fast-food restaurant was opened at the end of the last year in the Vatican-owned building, in several meters away from St. Peter square. “McDonald’s” occupies the low floor, on which several cardinals live, working in the Roman curia.

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