January 15 – World Religion Day

January 15, World Religion Day is celebrated worldwide on the third Sunday in January each year, reports Golos.ua

In 2017, the celebration falls on January 15th. The ceremony is attended by representatives of religious, social, political organizations and government agencies. People who study religions, charity activists, churchgoers join the celebration.

World Religion Day is an interfaith observance initiated in 1950 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, Though initiated in the United States, World Religion Day has come to be celebrated internationally.
Its purpose is to promote the idea that the spiritual principles underlying the world's religions are harmonious, and to suggest that religions play a role in unifying humanity. The motto of the celebration is "World unity through world religion".

This day, congresses take representatives of religious movements who discuss current interfaith issues. Prayers for peace are conducted worldwide. Foundations raise funds to help people in need, to invest in construction and improvement of religious buildings.

Leaders of the movement act as spokesmen, pay attention to the adepts, governments on pressing issues. The educational institutions are held lectures, conferences, seminars, etc. The media broadcast stories on the events, published materials about the beliefs, their history of formation and traditions.

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